Marty McFly? More Like Army McFly: Photographs from the Experimental 50’s and 60’s

From Rocket Belts to Air Cars, the National Archives and Records Administration holds many records related to the tests and demonstrations of the US Military's various experimental vehicles throughout the decades. Here in the Still Picture Branch, we have photographs showing the early adoption of new technologies like the Jet Pack and the Aerocycle, which were driven by the unique needs of military transportation at the time they were developed.

In Full Bloom: Still Photographs of Cherry Blossoms

For more than a hundred years, we have celebrated cherry blossoms blooming along the Tidal Basin. First planted in 1912, the cherry trees were a gift of friendship to the People of the United States from the People of Japan. Here in the Still Picture Branch at the National Archives, we have many photographs within our holdings that show the beauty of the cherry trees throughout the years.

April 1968 Washington, D.C. Riots

In April 1968, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to support sanitation workers that were on strike. It was in Memphis on April 3rd that King would give his final speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop." The next day, on the evening of April 4th while at the Lorraine Motel, King was … Continue reading April 1968 Washington, D.C. Riots

Celebrating Flag Day

Mrs. Laura B. Prisk, who is the originator of the Flag Day idea. Local ID: 165-WW-429P-1247, National Archives Identifier: 45532768. This post was created in collaboration with Heather Sulier, Archives Technician in the Still Picture Branch. Flag Day celebrates the adoption of the official flag of the United States on June 14. “The Flag Act … Continue reading Celebrating Flag Day

Gov and Basketball

What a beautiful time of the year for basketball.  The Kansas Jayhawks had their One Shining Moment, the NBA Playoff bracket will be underway soon, and the weather outside is getting nice enough around the country to ditch the snow boots and lace up the sneaks.  Using these happenings as inspiration, I decided to take … Continue reading Gov and Basketball

100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moving Image Records

This post is by Alexandra Geitz, Supervisory Archivist of the Moving Image and Sound Branch. In honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, this post will highlight just a few of the moving image and sound records in our holdings that depict the site over the … Continue reading 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moving Image Records

Remembering 9/11

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States. On September 11, 2001, four coordinated terrorist attacks were committed against the United States when two hijacked planes were flown into the North and South Towers at the World Trade Center, a third hit the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., … Continue reading Remembering 9/11

Spotlight: 1968 White House Fashion Show

The White House hosted its first - and only - fashion show on February 29, 1968. The fashion show and luncheon was presented by the First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, and was titled "How to Discover America in Style." The audience included the wives of governors who were in Washington D.C. for the midwinter meeting … Continue reading Spotlight: 1968 White House Fashion Show

A Symbol of Spring: The Cherry Blossoms of Washington, D.C.

Happy Peak Bloom Week!  According the The National Park Service, peak bloom for the cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C. means that "70% of the Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) blossoms are open.  Peak bloom varies annually depending on weather conditions. The most likely time to reach peak bloom is between the last week of March … Continue reading A Symbol of Spring: The Cherry Blossoms of Washington, D.C.

The Only Constant in the Nation’s Capital is Change!

If you have ever visited Washington, D.C., one of the most striking features of the city is the National Mall and the area surrounding it.  If you stand in the middle of the mall and look due east, you will find yourself facing the stately white dome of the Capitol Building.  From there, if you … Continue reading The Only Constant in the Nation’s Capital is Change!