With my last blog, I may have inadvertently started a quest to bring Unwritten Record readers the most random finds from the Still Picture holdings. Today, I present to you, Holes. When I began brainstorming for this blog post, it was the first word that popped into my head (most likely due to me hitting a brutal pothole on the way into work), so I trusted my gut and dug in. Luckily for our readers, I was able to sift through the Catalog results and unearth some unique pictorial treasures.
I started out in the NextGen NARA Catalog looking for “Holes” — when using the Catalog, it’s a good habit to put your search terms in quotation marks, as it will ensure the returns come back for the contained word or phrase (e.g. Fox Hole vs “Fox Hole” will produce different results). From there, I filtered my results to Photographs and other Graphic Materials in the Type of Materials section, then opened the Location of Archival Materials section, and filtered by National Archives at College Park – Still Pictures. With 90 pages of results, I had the hole world at my fingertips. Here’s what I found:
I liked this Fox Hole because of the makeshift roof – lack of roof being one of the clear disadvantages of setting up camp in a hole.

It was easy to understand the need to examine this hole. In the aftermath of a tense situation, hopefully their inspection brought some clarity or relief.

The holes they were making, while undoubtedly smaller than a Fox Hole, were an important component of clothing manufacturing during the Great War effort.

I’m not sure I understand the pattern this Woodpecker was going for, but I respect the abstract nature of nature.

Speaking of nature, it looks like our friends needed a drink from the watering hole.

Our Science poster collection is truly remarkable. I won’t pretend like I understand what’s going on here, but I needed to share because of its vibrant coloring.

Finally, we end this quest with a beautiful image of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The snow capped mountains, the stillness of the water – I can almost feel the peacefulness radiating.

I believe the woodpecker holes are from a sapsucker.
Hi Mary,
The Title/Caption information in our Catalog usually accompanies the images upon transfer to the Still Picture Branch. If you believe there may be an error with the title/description, we have a burgeoning Citizen Archivist program that you may be interested in.
Information on how to get started can be found here: https://www.archives.gov/citizen-archivist
And the Catalog entry for this particular image can be found here: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/544662
Thanks for your comment!
I really loved this little piece.