The Signal Corps Female Telephone Operators Unit, known as the “Hello Girls”, was a unit of women who operated telephone switchboards, sworn into the U.S. Army Signal Corps, during World War I. The term, “Hello Girls”, was used for women who first greeted callers with the word “hello”. The corps was formed due to a call by General John J. Pershing in 1917 to improve communications on the Western front. With this call, over 7,000 women applied and 223 women were accepted into the unit. Many of them had backgrounds in telephone communications working at different telephone companies. The women trained at different camps throughout the U.S., including Camp Grant, IL; Camp Fort Meade, MD; Camp Dodge, IA; Camp Devens, Ayers, MA; and Camp Lewis, WA. The unit completed their training at Camp Franklin, MD.
Exchange, Camp Grant, Ill. (NAID 45567937, 165-WW-597B-7)
C. and P. Central Office at Camp Meade, MD. (NAID 45567939, 165-WW-597B-8)
Telephone Operators at Camp Dodge, Iowa. (NAID 45567953, 165-WW-597B-15)
Telephone Operating Room showing new nine position switchboard at left, Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass. (NAID 45567957, 165-WW-597B-17)
Telephone Exchange at Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash. Bulletins show changes of officers’ addresses in camp. (NAID 45567959, 165-WW-597B-18)
Emergency Fleet Corp. Telephone exchange, main office building, 140 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. (NAID 45567975, 165-WW-597B-26)
Under the lead Chief Operator, Grace Banker, the first telephone operators left for Europe in March 1918. Before long, the “Hello Girls” were operating telephone switchboards and exchanging calls of the American Expeditionary Forces in many French and British locations, including Paris, Chaumont, London, Southampton, and Winchester. Telephone communications improved by July 1918 due in part to the addition of more women operators. A team of telephone operators maintained communications during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. The “Hello Girls” continued their service after the Armistice. They were transferred to Paris and began being discharged in 1919. The final operator was discharged on January 20, 1920. Chief Operator Grace Banker was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.
Telephone operators leaving for the war. (NAID 55173040, 111-SC-6064)
American Telephone Girls photographed on arrival for “hello” duty in France. They all can speak both English and French. (NAID 55177410, 111-SC-8445)
Phone girls on duty at Chief Signal Office Headquarters, 1st Army. (NAID 55225379, 111-SC-33116)
Telephone Operators, Signal Corps, in France. One of first units to come overseas. (NAID 55248335, 111-SC-44783)
Signal Corps women telephone operators at General Hq. (NAID 86710693, 111-SC-52744)
First group of American telephone operators for service with A.E.F., to leave New York City, NY. (NAID 45549876, 165-WW-511C-1)
Sixteen operators trained by the New York Telephone Co., who are included in the second Unit of Signal Corps Telephone Operators, for service in France. (NAID 45567926, 165-WW-597B-2)
Telephone operators who served in France. (NAID 45567981, 165-WW-597B-29)
Back from France on “Cedric”. (NAID 45567985, 165-WW-597B-31)
Although the “Hello Girls” served in the military, wore Army uniforms, and subjected to Army regulations, they were denied honorable discharge papers because they were considered civilian employees by the Army. Between 1927 and 1977, many bills were introduced to Congress to obtain recognition for the “Hello Girls”. One of the “Hello Girls”, Merle Egan Anderson, continued these efforts in the 1970s along with the Veteran Affairs Administration and the American Legion. Their efforts finally persuaded Congress to pass a bill and was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in November 1977. 60 years after the end of World War I, the “Hello Girls” were finally recognized as veterans and received their honorably discharged papers.
Telephone operators at Barracks #66, Tours, France, April 29, 1918 (NAID 55193400, 111-SC-16653)
Capturing St. Mihiel Salient. (NAID 55203658, 111-SC-21981)
Operators at switchboard in U.S. Army telephone exchange. Base section #3. Belgrave Mansions Hotel. London, S.W.I., England. (NAID 55218373, 111-SC-29532)
S.C. telephone operating board and girls at work. G.H.Q. Chaumont, Hte Marne, France. (NAID 55226041, 111-SC-33446)
Telephone switchboard room in Hotel Crillon, headquarters American Delegation at Peace Conference. Paris, Seine, France. (NAID 55238308, 111-SC-39595)
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, SIGNAL Corps, at Bassens Docks. At switchboard, left to right: Miss’es Larrouse; Ostrander; Finch and Delney. At table on right, Mrs. Audet, Supervisor. Bassens, Gironde, France. (NAID 86698545, 111-SC-46188)
Telephone exchange with women operators, all Americans sent over here and organized as Women’s Telephone Unit, Signal Corps, U.S.A. This exchange is in Elysees Palace Hotel. Paris, Seine, France. (NAID 86703177, 111-SC-48534)
Signal Corps Telephone Operators at switchboard. Left to right: Rose Langelier, Melanie Van Gastel, Louisette Gavid, Marie Lemaire, Eglantine Moussu. Toul, Meurthe et Moselle, France. (NAID 86705352, 111-SC-49623)
Telephone Switchboard. Left to right: Misses Anderson, Viau, Supervisor Carey; Chief Operator Vannier. Signal Corps. Base Section #1. St. Nazaire, Loire-Inferieure, France. (NAID 86710601, 111-SC-52698)
Information and Long Distance Recording Desks, Room 13, Elysee Palace Hotel. (111-SC-79158)
Signal Corps Telephone Exchange in Room 109, 3rd Army Hdqrs. Building. Miss Grace Banker, Chief Operator, Coblenz, Rhenish Prussia, Germany. (111-SC-162039)
5 thoughts on ““Hello Girls” – Women Telephone Operators during WWI”
Love this history! Their Official Personnel Folders from their service in the War Department as Hello Girls are part of the holdings of the National Archives at St. Louis!
Love the old photos!
Thanks, Alexis.
How do I cite the images? Are they primary source?
Hello! Yes, the photographs are considered primary sources. The images can be cited using our local photo ID numbers, which start with 111-SC or 165-WW. Examples of preferred credit lines are as follows:
National Archives photo no. 80-G-32500
Credit National Archives (photo no. 306-NT-186000)
Courtesy National Archives, photo no. 26-G-3422
National Archives (111-SC-202199)
If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at
Kaitlyn Crain Enriquez
National Archives and Records Administration
Still Picture Branch
Love this history! Their Official Personnel Folders from their service in the War Department as Hello Girls are part of the holdings of the National Archives at St. Louis!
Love the old photos!
Thanks, Alexis.
How do I cite the images? Are they primary source?
Hello! Yes, the photographs are considered primary sources. The images can be cited using our local photo ID numbers, which start with 111-SC or 165-WW. Examples of preferred credit lines are as follows:
National Archives photo no. 80-G-32500
Credit National Archives (photo no. 306-NT-186000)
Courtesy National Archives, photo no. 26-G-3422
National Archives (111-SC-202199)
If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at
Kaitlyn Crain Enriquez
National Archives and Records Administration
Still Picture Branch
Very nice old photos! Thank you.