Spotlight: Matthew Henson, Explorer

Matthew Henson was an African American explorer most known for accompanying Robert Peary on multiple expeditions to the Arctic, and in 1909 they claimed to be the first team to reach the North Pole. It has been long debated whether or not Peary and Henson actually reached the North Pole - there was even a … Continue reading Spotlight: Matthew Henson, Explorer

Images of the Week: Polar Expeditions

The images this week relate to the polar regions. Local Identifer: 401-XPS-17-11, Photographs of the Robert Peary Sledge Party Posing with Flags at the North Pole. Ooqueh, holding the Navy League flag; Ootah, holding the D.K.E. fraternity flag; Matthew Henson, holding the polar flag; Egingwah, holding the D.A.R. peace flag; and Seeglo, holding the Red … Continue reading Images of the Week: Polar Expeditions