Lighthouses have served as aids to navigation along coasts and shores throughout the United States’ history and many continue to do so today. Recently added to the Catalog, series 26-LGL: Photographs of Lighthouses includes photographs of many of these landmarks from the early 20th century.
Consisting of black and white glass lantern slides and a small number of hand-colored slides, this series includes lighthouses of all sizes and shapes (including conical, cylindrical, octagonal, triangular). If all the slides were in color, we could see some variety there as well (from the images below, lighthouses at both Sapelo Island, Georgia and West Quoddy Head, Maine feature red and white stripes). These slides were likely maintained by the Bureau of Lighthouses, also known as the United States Lighthouse Service, before it merged into the United States Coast Guard in 1939.
Enjoy this sample of images from the series 26-LGL: Photographs of Lighthouses. To view all images within the series visit the online catalog.

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Thank-you – I have shared this to several lighthouse pages on fb.