The Cartographic Branch is pleased to announce that three new series of records relating to Puerto Rico have been fully digitized and are now available online for viewing and download through the National Archives Catalog.
The first series, RG 95: Map of Puerto Rico Showing Federal Land Management Activities, 1949-1949, (NAID 1011336) contains a map entitled, “Land Management Activities of Public Agencies, January 1949, Island of Puerto Rico”. This map contains a wealth of information including roads, trails, and information about various towns.

1949, (NAID 1011336). Land Management Activities of Public Agencies,
January 1949, Island of Puerto Rico.
The second series, RG 95: Maps of Puerto Rico, (NAID 1069900) contains three maps covering Puerto Rico and islands under its jurisdiction and one map relating to the topography of the region. The first of the three maps (NAID 274864840) focuses on roads, canals, and transportation. The second map (NAID 278464842) offers detailed information on forestation of the island and the third map (NAID 278464837) focuses on the topography of the island. The fourth map (NAID 278464844) is a bit trickier to discuss as it appears to be an untitled topographic map of the island. Though by no means a certainty, this appears to have bee n a draft which was simply never completed.

The third series, RG 395: Records Relating to Puerto Rico, 1941-1943 (NAID 65073440) is somewhat larger than the previously mentioned series. This series includes not only maps, but some aerial photography as well.

Be sure to head on over to the catalog and check out these three exciting new series!
Amazing! Thanks for the dissemination of this information. ?
Looking for Aerial Pictures from Puerto Rico taken on 1930/1931
for the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department Of the Interior. Any Help?
picture goes like this: camera type: Fairchild K-3A (Picture O-5-W-29)
Sorry for the delayed response. Please contact us at with your question and we can look into it and provide a detailed answer.