The Cartographic Branch holds maps relating to many well known Civil War battles like Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, and Shiloh. However, we also hold a variety of maps relating to some lesser-known battles. Today we’re featuring maps relating to the Battle of Franklin, which took place on November 30, 1864 in Tennessee.

In the fall of 1864, Confederate General John Bell Hood’s Army of the Tennessee and Union General John Schofield’s Army of the Ohio faced off against each other in Tennessee, moving north toward Nashville. After side-stepping around Hood’s troops at Spring Hill, Union forces occupied Franklin and constructed fortifications, forming a strong defensive line on the south edge of town.

At about 4:00 PM on November 30, Confederate General John Bell Hood’s Army of the Tennessee began a frontal assault against this strongly fortified Union position outside of Franklin. The Confederates attacked across about two miles of open ground. A bloody and terrible battle commenced. After several hours of hard fighting, the Confederates were eventually pushed back. The battle resulted in over 10,000 casualties. About 7,000 of those killed, wounded, missing, and captured soldiers were Confederates, including 14 generals.

Although the battle resulted in a Union victory, General Schofield pulled out his Union troops and continued toward Nashville, following orders received before the battle. On December 1, 1864, Union troops entered the fortifications outside of Nashville with Hood’s weakened Confederate Army in pursuit.

These maps represent just some of the Cartographic Branch’s large collection of Civil War maps. For more information on Civil War maps held by the Cartographic Branch, see A Guide to Civil War Maps in the National Archives.
American Battlefield Trust. Franklin.