Summertime seems to have been created to be three months of time to play, rest, relax, and, in general, do the things that make us happy. In the years between 1898 and 1908, inventors were very creative in their efforts to make summertime spectacular, interesting, and somewhat bizarre! So, whether you prefer to spend your summer indoors or outside, in the woods, or at an amusement park, the National Archives has a patent for you! The following images are taken from RG 241: Utility Patents, which are defined by Title 35, Part II, Chapter 10, Subsection 101 of the United States Code in the following way:
“…any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”
Keep in mind while viewing the images below that a working prototype is not a requirement for filing a patent with the United States Patent Office!
If you enjoy the great outdoors and like to camp, you will definitely want to make sure that you have a sturdy tent or, in this case, a Camping Lodge (838,689) complete with four single bed racks and two double bed racks.

You’ll also want to get a good night’s sleep while camping. This Camp Bed (835,469) and Blanket/Sleeping Bag hybrid (917,403) will most assuredly help with that.

If you are the more adventurous sort and prefer to sleep under the stars, this comfy-looking Hammock (717,119) is just what you need.

In addition to basic creature comforts, you will also need to eat, so don’t forget a Camp Stove (759,015). Finally, if you decide to really “rough it” while camping, you can heat your food over a campfire, which is where your Camp Fire Utensil Holder (670,144) is a “must have”.

Not everyone likes camping, however. Some people enjoy spending a nice summer day on the boardwalk, enjoying the sights and sounds of an amusement park. A giant wheel, big wheel, or observation wheel, here referred to as an “Amusement Device” (855,132), will give you a great view at the top.

If you prefer to stay on the ground, this odd little Merry-Go-Round (791,046) where people stand enclosed in a giant box and appear to spin is an excellent option.

Those looking for speed should give the Roller Coaster (609,164) with a loop a try!

If you are on the fence, and can’t decide whether you want to ride the Big Wheel or the Roller Coaster, take a ride on this odd “Amusement Apparatus” (889,472) which seems to be a combination of the two rides!

Some days, though, it’s just too hot to do anything outside and it’s just better to stay indoors where it is nice and cool!
If you would like to keep and window open and enjoy a nice cross breeze, this nice little Electric Fan (660,551) or the Ventilating Fan (632, 740) is just what you want.

A word to the wise about the ventilating fan – watch your fingers, it doesn’t have any wire caging around the blades whatsoever!
Still not enough air circulation? Try out the Oscillating Fan (810,174) instead.

Finally, if you are looking for something a bit more permanent that a small electric fan, Ceiling Fans (636,871) are always an option and come in some truly strange styles (866,292) like the one shown at the very bottom!

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