Operation Homecoming Activities at Sheppard Air Force Base

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Operation Homecoming and the return of nearly 600 American prisoners of war from Vietnam. In 1973, Sheppard Air Force Base had the honor of serving as a reception point for Operation Homecoming, helping to welcome home Vietnam POWs after years of captivity.

April 1968 Washington, D.C. Riots

In April 1968, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to support sanitation workers that were on strike. It was in Memphis on April 3rd that King would give his final speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop." The next day, on the evening of April 4th while at the Lorraine Motel, King was … Continue reading April 1968 Washington, D.C. Riots

Patents Causing a Buzz!

Spring has sprung and the bees are a buzzin’! Beekeeping and bee hives have a long and interesting history. People have been collecting honey for thousands of years - starting out by simply foraging from wild hives. However, the first recorded instance of beekeeping was the ancient Egyptians. They created hives from hollowed out trees … Continue reading Patents Causing a Buzz!

One Year Ago: Recognizing Amache National Historic Site

October 1945 photograph of Granada Relocation Center barracks. Granada closed for good on October 15, 1945. (NAID 539942) March 18, 2023 marks the one year anniversary of the signing of the Amache National Historic Site Act, which designated Amache National Historic Site as a park in the National Park System. President Joseph R. Biden signed … Continue reading One Year Ago: Recognizing Amache National Historic Site

Behind the scenes at Kennedy Space Center with Nichelle Nichols

Following on from Caitlin Hucik's excellent post highlighting trailblazers at NASA, we would like to present some recently digitized films highlighting actress Nichelle Nichols' work to recruit a more diverse field of astronauts and other personnel for NASA in 1978. These films are outtakes from promotional material featuring Ms. Nichols and also former Astronaut Alan … Continue reading Behind the scenes at Kennedy Space Center with Nichelle Nichols

Soldiers examining a hole, near a Liberty Ship, created by a Japanese bomb

Hole World

With my last blog, I may have inadvertently started a quest to bring Unwritten Record readers the most random finds from the Still Picture holdings.  Today, I present to you, Holes.  When I began brainstorming for this blog post, it was the first word that popped into my head (most likely due to me hitting … Continue reading Hole World

Spotlight: The Discovery of King Tutankhamun

February 16, 2023 is the 100th anniversary of the opening of King Tutankhamun’s burial chamber. The tomb was discovered in November 1922 by English archaeologist Howard Carter and his team, who had been searching for it for five years. The tomb, located in Thebes, Egypt, was found virtually intact after 3,000 years.  On February 16, … Continue reading Spotlight: The Discovery of King Tutankhamun

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Political Prisoners in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany. Local ID: 242-HLB-3609-25 International Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated each year on January 27. The United Nations General Assembly designated this day as it is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by Soviet forces. The purpose of International Holocaust Remembrance Day is to serve as … Continue reading International Holocaust Remembrance Day

RG 242: Target Dossiers Pertaining to the British Isles, 1938-1945 Now Fully Digitized!

The Cartographic Branch is pleased to announce that RG 242: Target Dossiers Pertaining to the British Isles, 1938-1945 (NAID 3371016) has now been fully digitized and is available for viewing and download through the National Archives Catalog. The records in this series are a subset of RG 242: National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized, … Continue reading RG 242: Target Dossiers Pertaining to the British Isles, 1938-1945 Now Fully Digitized!